Secure Application Access

Enterprise Private Access

Deliver Zero Trust network access to your business-critical applications for all users, regardless of location and application type


Application Access Redefined

Enterprise Private Access provides Zero Trust network access to private applications and data in hybrid IT environments, while offering seamless connectivity for users anywhere.

With EPA, close all inbound firewall ports, while ensuring that only authorized users and devices have access to the internal applications they need — not the entire network. No one can access applications directly as they are hidden from the Internet and public exposure.

Redefine application access, enable a cloud-first architecture, and move to Zero Trust while retiring legacy VPN and phasing out its ongoing management costs.


Legacy VPN Remote Access Is Obsolete

Traditional remote access VPN solutions require capital expenditure on on-premises appliances. These appliances lack scale, fail to limit remote users’ lateral movement within the corporate network, require hairpinning over the corporate WAN when accessing public cloud, and are cumbersome to maintain.

A modern remote access solution built on the principles of Zero Trust can instead provide streamlined and secure access to private applications hosted within data centers and public cloud.

  • Capital expenditure for on-prem infrastructure
  • Cumbersome ongoing management and maintenance
  • Difficult and costly to scale
  • Fails to restrict lateral movement on the network
  • Requires haripinning over the WAN to access the public cloud
  • Lack of visibility into app-related activity
  • Clunky user experience for remote workforce

Use Cases

Secure Access to Cloud Applications

Migrating on-premises applications to IaaS providers can be challenging. Leverage the power of multiple clouds by enabling secure access to applications across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Displace Traditional VPNs

Traditional VPNs are complex to manage and expensive to scale. Eliminate the operational cost and risk involved in maintaining and patching VPNs and other appliance-based solutions for scalable, secure application access.

Secure Remote and 3rd-Party App Access

Reduce the risk of compromise from remote employees, third-party contractors, partners, and mobile users — regardless of their location — by delivering secure application access without the need for network access.

Accelerate Mergers and Acquisitions

Efficient and swift integration are imperative to M&A success. Accelerate the pace of mergers and acquisitions by enabling shared access to applications, without complex or costly network consolidation or re-architecture.

Security Services

SD-WAN centralizes management of network security, enforces network-wide security policies, and provides visibility into network usage and compliance. With SD-WAN, you can insert third-party firewall and cloud security services in any traffic route — allowing branch users to securely access the data center, SaaS applications, and the cloud.


Secure Application Access from Anywhere

Enterprise Private Access offers seamless connectivity for authenticated users, supports any application and protocol, reduces business risk, and simplifies IT infrastructure.

ZTNA for Private Apps

Direct to Public Cloud

Protection for Private Apps

Simplified IT Operations

Seamless User Experience

Replace Legacy VPN

Key Benefits

Get the benefits of a secure access platform

Protection for private applications

Reduced technical complexity and debt

Least privileged access for users